Communication and Language


Reading list

survey/review/perspective paper


Optional - Communication

Optional - Pragmatics

Optional - Implicature, Metaphpor, and Humor

Optional - Gaze

Optional - Pointing Perception

Optional - Pointing Meets Cognition

Optional - Pointing Meets Language

Optional - Models for Nonverbal Communication

Optional - Evolution

Optional - Emergent Languages

Optional - Pantomime

Optional - Pedagogy


  1. There exist multiple language models but for different tasks. Given the above literature and the discussion about the uniqueness of human communication, how to design tasks or evaluations to test language models are doing simple imitation or true communication?
  2. If you are designing an embodied chat robot, what kinds of nonverbal expressions will you give to it? How and when will it combine/alternate verbal and nonverbal expressions based on our discussion?