Syllabus and Logistics



  • Week 01/Lecture 01 (09.09): Introduction & Logistics

Physical Commonsense

  • Week 02/Lecture 02 (09.14): Affordance, Functionality, and HOIs
  • Week 03/Lecture 03 (09.23): Intuitive Physics and Causality (Part 1)
  • Week 04/Lecture 04 (09.30): Causality (Part 2), Tool, Mirroring, and Imitation
  • Week 05: National Holidays
  • Week 06/Paper Presentation 1 (10.14): Physical Commonsense (Attendance Required)

Social Commonsense

  • Week 07/Lecture 05 (10.21): Communication and Language
  • Week 08/Lecture 06 (10.28): Intentionality, Animacy, and Theory of Mind (ToM)
  • Week 09/Lecture 07 (11.04): Social Learning, Guest Lecture by Lifeng Fan (BIGAI)
  • Week 10/Lecture 08 (11.11): Game (Attendance Required)
  • Week 11/Paper Presentation 2 (11.18): Social Commonsense (Attendance Required)

Advanced Topics

  • Week 12/Lecture 09 (11.25): Abstract Reasoning, Guest Lecture by Chi Zhang (BIGAI)
  • Week 13/Lecture 10 (12.02): Explainable AI and Teaming, Guest Lecture by Zilong Zheng (BIGAI)
  • Week 14/Paper Presentation 3 (12.09): Advanced Topics (Attendance Required)

Project Presentations

  • Week 15/Project Presentation 1 (12.16) (Attendance Required)
  • Week 16/Project Presentation 2 (12.23) (Attendance Required)
  • Week 17/Project Presentation 3 (12.29) (Attendance Required)



  • understand the significance of commonsense in modern AI
  • master basic knowledge of cognitive science for modern AI
  • derive statistical computational models of commonsense to solve challenging AI problems
  • code and build complex system to model certain aspect(s) of commonsense


  • basic knowledge of statistics, e.g., Bayes rule
  • comfortable with programming in Linux using modern deep learning libraries
  • excellent English skills for reading literature, presentation, and writing homework and reports
  • familiar with LateX for writing homework and reports


  • strict rule: no late submission will be accepted after the due date
  • paper presentation (in English): 20%
  • essay (in English): 3% $\times$ 5 topics = 15%
  • attendance: 15% for attending presentations; you will automate fail if you miss more than twice.
  • project presentation (in English): 20%
  • project report (in English and LaTeX): 30%

Essay (15%)

  • team: 1 student; work alone
  • duration: 1 week after each lecture
  • topic: choose one from each lecture; you will need to submit at least 5
  • grading: 3 points per essay
  • delivery: essay (2 pages minimal) in LaTeX, written in English

Paper Presentation (20%)

  • team: 4-6 students
  • duration: up to the presentation session
  • topic: choose papers listed in one of the 10 topics and additional papers at your own choice
  • note: no need to cover all the listed papers, but need to convey a coherent message during the presentation
  • delivery: presentation, in English

Project (50%)

  • team: 4-6 students, usually the same team as for the paper presentation
  • duration: the entire semester
  • topic: choose one listed on the project page (see also the instructions); topics are exclusive among teams; reserve online
  • delivery:
    1. presentation in English
    2. technical report in top conference quality that includes
    • insights of the problem
    • related work / literature review
    • major components of the systems of algorithms
    • technical details, e.g., learning, training, parameters
    • experimental results
    1. publicly available code, e.g., on GitHub



  • please contact the instructor or TA


This course is made possible by a group of collaborators and students

my advisors,

my long-term collaborators,

the most awesome peers in the world (in alphabetical order),

the smartest students/postdocs in the world (in alphabetical order),

and the brilliant artist, Ms. Zhen Chen at BIGAI, who created the cover image and other figures used in this course.
